Autor Thema: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit  (Gelesen 13679 mal)

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Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« am: März 20, 2007, 00:30:07 »
Hi all
Just thinking how to wright this, thinking is is going to be somthing like a blog, or something I should wright it in german (which would take much longer). After 19 years in germany I have decided to return to Ireland and work with what I like best "computers". Back two months now and I am only starting up slowly but have already some costumers and earning some great money. Get even to do the simplest of things for people like install some software and get money for it. Sold one old computer I built together my self for 500€ but haveing some problems geting his internet going over Dail-up (56 kb/smodem). I mayself have to do with a between 200-300Kbit/s DSL conection as this is the fastest here in Ireland a the moment.
Installed Windows Vista Business the other day on my second computer and up to now I am very happy with it, I know that there is lots of software out there that doest work, but all the new stuff coming, works very good on this operating system(all money making). As soon as you turn on your computer running W. Vista youll notice the slick look of the user interface. If your computer has the hardware to display the Aero color scheme, the high quality visual effects will contribute significantly to your overall computing experience.
It just dosen`t look good, it takes secure computing to a new level, programs that help you monitor and protect your computer, it works in the backround to help keep malicious programs and malicious people at bay (OUT).
 I say the most of you allready know the most of this, but I would like to share it anyway with anyone who want to read it or know about it.
I`ll try to continue this for a few days to see the feed back and if its good I`ll continue it.
Thanks for listening or reading, and have fun in all what you do.
Until tomorrow bye Sir Alan

Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #1 am: März 20, 2007, 11:18:29 »
Good morning all.
got up to do some work but that sorted its self out, like "rebooting". Got my homewark back this morning LB 12 after waiting 3 weeks for it , not Webers fault the DEUTSCH POST like to open all my letters they call it "Prüfzwecken geöffnet" which I find every fucking (and sorry about the language)
bad. This is only holding up my studies, and I always like to send the next homework when I have the last one back. Anyway the day as only started and like I always say,
Thanks for listening or reading and fun in what you do.
Sir Alan.
PS. next blog this evening I hope.
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #2 am: März 20, 2007, 16:00:28 »
Hi lads
back again after my one o-clock job with the modem, thank god it works now I was nearly going to ask all you experts what I could do next, Ha Ha, So anyway of to my Tai chi tonite from 19.30 to 21.00 hrs. and even though its mostly in slow motion one still gets "muskelkater" (dont know the English for that at the moment).
Somthing else if any of you are going to visit Ireland let me know for eg. holidays etc. I might need some equipment (if you would like to bring it? ) form Media Markt or Alternate etc.
So got to do something else, talk to you all again soon,
Bye Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #3 am: März 20, 2007, 22:17:26 »
Good evening all
Well another day goes to an end and it was a good one. Did a good job, earned some money to pay the bills gave the rest to charity, did my Tai chi and going for a shower now.
So to all of you out there Have a great night and a better day tomorrow, and have fun in every thing you do.
Good Night!!
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #4 am: März 21, 2007, 12:29:50 »
Hi Hope you are all well
no work today, yet, but something might come this afternoon.
Has anybody tryed to install Direct X 10 on a windows Xp system? and does it work?
This might sound like a dumb Question, why I ask, I read the whole time from crafic cards with Direct X 10 "unterstützung", but why does my Ati X850 pro in my second computer work?
Thanks for the help,
Sir Alan
« Letzte Änderung: März 21, 2007, 13:25:16 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #5 am: März 21, 2007, 14:04:15 »
thx for the view into your: life of an irish selfemployed pc-tchnican, 4-5 times as much money for the same work would be quite an argument to me as well leaving this country ...

To your question: No Dx10 for XP because of the different and absolutely new drivers architecture
of vista that enables dx 10.

*Irreführendes Gerücht
Vor kurzem hatte die britische IT-Site "The Inquirer" ein Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt, das wie folgt lautete: Angeblich plane Microsoft mit DirectX 9.0L quasi ein DirectX 10 für Windows XP ausliefern zu wollen. "Es wird DirectX-10-Spiele auf Windows XP spielbar machen", so die Site am Wochenende. Als Grund wurde darüber spekuliert, dass Spielentwickler ihre Spiele auch für Windows XP verfügbar machen wollen, wo mehr Einheiten abgesetzt werden können, solange noch nicht alle Anwender auf Vista umgestiegen sind.
Das Gerücht selbst war schon etwas schräg, denn bei Windows Vista kommt eine völlig neue Treiberarchitektur zum Einsatz, die erst DirectX 10 und die damit verbundenen Vorteile für die Spiele-Entwicklung ermöglicht und so tief im Betriebssystem steckt, dass sie sich nicht für ältere Windows-Systeme portieren lässt.
Es wird und kann keine DirectX-10-Variante für Windows XP geben. Besagte britische Website hat DirectX 9.L missverstanden und als Erweiterung für Windows XP verstanden. Mittlerweile hat die Website aber den Fehler erkannt und berichtet, dass DirectX 9.L Bestandteil von Windows Vista ist und es kein DirectX 10 für XP geben wird. *

Best regards, Ben

Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen.

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #6 am: März 21, 2007, 15:13:41 »
Danke Ben vor das feedback, If no one complains about my bloging I will continue it for a few weeks maybe months or how things go for years Ha, Ha.
If I ever need help over here, you`ll be the frist to know!!
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #7 am: März 21, 2007, 16:06:40 »
So its 14.47 in the afternoon and no work today, but this could be the "quiet before the storm".
This last weekend we had St. Patricks day, I dont know if any of you go and party for this day? but I remember the times in 1989 and1990 in Düsseldorf in the Altstadt,and in the Irish Pub we Partied the hole week, we had to take holidays so that we could go from morning to night celebrating.
Thoughs were the days when we were young and Good looking.(Still am Tall, Dark and Handsome.)
Ok stock for words now, have to get back to you all later, and hopfully I´ll have somthing more interesting to tell you all, from the land of the Leprechauns.
Sir Alan
« Letzte Änderung: März 21, 2007, 16:10:06 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #8 am: März 21, 2007, 22:23:48 »
So another day comes to an end, and look there nothing and everthing done!. I was just looking through the internet and came across this next site that might interest some of you who would like to make your holidays in Ireland or even come here to work, or even study here.  (hope the link works) but this will give you all some interesting reading over Ireland ( If one is interested).
So I nearly forgot I have been invited to the local School by the teacher for computer classes etc,
to look at there setup, the teacher told me over the phone that its all very old and only using windows 98 as there operating systems. The pupils have to do a project and she asked if I would help them if they had any questions or queries. So lads be prepared If I dont know it, then I`ll have to pass it on to all of you. I hope to make an appointment with her tomorrow for this visit. I´ll let you all know how it looks in the near future.
So its getting late and its even later there, hope the talk, or I should say write to you all soon.
Have fun
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #9 am: März 22, 2007, 11:53:38 »
Good morning
Rang the school, have an appointment for 14.00 o.clock this afternoon,
and when I get back I´ll let you all know whats what in the place.
So talk to you then, and as allways have "fun in what you do" other wise life is not worth it.
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #10 am: März 22, 2007, 19:54:38 »
So there I am again,
Back from the school, where I spent 2 hours talking to the pupils about computers, Hardware, Software, etc, and Vista.
They need to do a project on Computers in the Home, How they are used, What hardware Konfiguration they need or have, which Braodband one uses and what kind of braodband is available in there area. (Here everyone buys a Dell computer) So, Iam sure you know the range they have, from about 400€ to 1000€ for the home. (Here)
So all in all had a great talk to the future students on computers.
The school itself has two rooms with computers, One has about 15- 20 Old computers with the old Grey monitors in it, and runs on windows 98. The second room has also about 20 computers in a network, nice computers with Flatscreen monitors and running Windows XP, unfortunatly they all need a good cleanup, meaning "Defrag" Harddrive cleaning, (cookies etc.) Backups need to be done, as no one seems to want or know how to do this. Maybe some work for me in the near future.
Antivires, Spyware, and Internet security programs need to be installed. The only problems are
1. The school does not have the money.
2. They have a contract with another company for serviceing the computers, (which dont feel responsable for the small errors)
3. One of the companys are over 100 Kilometers away.
4. The other one says that the windows 98 computers are not worth fixing, and they should get new ones.
So what does one do when your hands are tied?
But in the end of all this "Wahnsinn" it was good experiance and I got a small job out of it (to build a new DVD writer into the teachers home computer for, wait for it now lads, 80€) you all know about how long that takes Ha Ha.
Well, with the price of living over here one would need it.(sometimes)
Got to go now, for the moment, time for tea, here you have to drink 5-8 cups of tea a day or someone will think you are sick.
Talk to you all again later (Maybe) If Iam drinking tea!!.
Sir Alan.
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #11 am: März 23, 2007, 02:29:45 »
Well Finished with the tea and its back to work,Its late here cant sleep so I thought I´ll say a few words on life, the universe, and everything  (Dougles Adams) and dont forget your towel.
As anyone of you got, or installed Office 2007, I got the home and student version with 3 licenses,
Looks realy good! Have orderd some other software and hardware to try, like Vista Ultimate system builder, 64Bit version, will install it on the main computer when it comes, after I install the new monitor, Grafic Card (Geforce 8800 GTX 768 MB) and Canon Pixma 600R printer.
Two Books I got one from Microsoft "Step by Step Windows Vista" by Joan Preppernau and Joyce Cox,
(I dont know yet if this is the same book in German) and then "Microsoft Office 2007, What you need to know and how to do it" by Steve Johnson, colourful and very detailed, a good book!
Another thing, or topic, if anyone has any Questions on anything I write, please dont hesitate to do so, (and in German, I can Read and write german its just slower than may English.)
So if I get up later than you all tomorrow Have a great day and like always have fun in what you do.
Good night, or maybe Good Morning.
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #12 am: März 23, 2007, 20:04:28 »
Hi all
Its late in the evening now, today was  kind of  boaring, not much to do, did some homework on LB 13, did some oil painting to calm me down and walked 3 KM. other than that I have nothing to tell today. Maybe later something will come to me and I´ll share it with you all. So until then Have fun, and bye for now.
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #13 am: März 24, 2007, 01:07:43 »
Well I have just spent the last 4-5 hours setting or making a Web site for my firm. Its not quite finished yet. Then all I need to find is a place on the web to stick it.( I dont have a server etc)
I also spent some time looking up all of your sites to see the prices over there, I know its not as much as here,but thats realy not alot.
These are the Prices that I take and somtimes more,(here one as the look at the type of Person your dealing with, If you can give a good deal or take more.)Note that all Prices are without Mileage and Travel Time, and I dont look very much at the clock, as you all know you cant say that a job would be done in 15, 30, or 45min. if one incounters difficulties.

Mobile: 087 6141348
There are a few more services that I offer, like Custum Built Computers, Computer Cleaning, Night, Saturday and Sunday Services etc. etc. and also go to the school to teach the pupils something about computers.
Anyway thats the news for today from the Green Island, talk to you again tomorrow,
and remember HAVE FUN.
Sir Alan
« Letzte Änderung: Februar 22, 2008, 18:28:04 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #14 am: März 24, 2007, 11:01:51 »
Hi all
I got up this morning thinking(like most mornings) about all the things that were said (and still are) about Windows Vista how bad it is and that no software works on it (older) and that no one should buy it for a least a year, well I have changed my mind, (we all know windows is Rubbish) I am using it a little over a week now and it looks good. Takes about an hour to install and thats it, no futher CD are needed (not for me anyway.) Vista Brings all the drivers with it and if it doesnt have it, it gets it from the net. An anti virus has to be installel I use AVG, its for free.
I have also installed Nero 7 which works fine, other programs I use are Roboform, WinZip, WinRAR, Limewire, Lavasoft Ad-aware and Tuneup 2007, all work very well on Vista.
When it comes to games I know Oblivion works, Diablo II works, But Gothic 3 I didnt get to work, but didnt spend much time trying. Hope this was some help to anyone, even though I had to get it said and out of my system.
Talk to you Later Have FUN
Sir Alan.
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #15 am: März 24, 2007, 18:44:28 »
Hi all,
So here theres not much happening, its the weekend and its normaly quite, people like to take the weekend off. So I did some garden work today, just a few hours, dont want to over do it at my age. Got myself a few cans of Murphys (Its a dark Beer that tastes very much like Guinness) "I know what a lot of you are thinking now, "my god how can you drink that stuff" Ha Ha. Well it puts hair on your chest, and there is eating and drinking in it!
I tryed the other day to Upload my broushure, so you got all have a look at it, but its to large. But if anyone whould still like to see it send me an E-mail or tell me your E-mail and I´ll send you a copy.
So time for tea or Murphys at the moment, talk to you all soon, HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
« Letzte Änderung: März 24, 2007, 21:36:58 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #16 am: März 26, 2007, 23:49:51 »
Hi all
So the weekend is over and still nothing much happening, I can only say that the weather here is allready like summer.(at the moment)
Got my 13 Lb homework finished tonight, found it very hard, harder than nr. 10 LB, wasnt it nr. 10 that everybody said was so hard? I hope all the rest arent as hard as that one. Well stuck for words,
I think I´ll have some tea!
Bye Have Fun
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #17 am: März 27, 2007, 18:35:50 »
Hi again
Today someone dropped an old computeri in to my workshop, well its not that old it has a P4 in it but only 256MB Ram. There is also no harddrive in it, and when I tryed to boot it (with a harddrive) nothing happened, no signal even on the monitor. Took it apart, CLR CMOS, and see there it boots again. Why I am telling this story is, I got this computer for nothing, was for throughing out, and now with a little investment I can sell it again, I cant understand why people throw away everything!
I made a statment about a harddrive, which I thought after so many tests it was fit for the bin, But Wilfried put me back on the wright track again by saying
"Hi Alan

Just remember,

this is not a forum to teach Media-Markt Employees, but a forum for PC-Techniker apprentices. More important than getting a cheap solution, is to find a good way to find a cheap solution.
As long as the guys are still doing all the tests without a propper installation of the equipment they still have a lot to learn.
Just immagin you just exchange a part that might be defekt and your customer gives that part to a friend who really knows what he is doing, and he can´t find anything wrong. That realy would be embarrasing."
Let this be a lesson to you all (and to me)when you think all hope is at an end, then think again.
Never give up hope theres always a solution.
Have fun
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Self employed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #18 am: März 28, 2007, 00:45:04 »
Hi all
Well congratulations, to you all, or should I say to those who helped MarkoJ with that Hard drive,
after I was going to give it up! Well done.
Back to the Irish front, Here I am still waiting on some goods that I have ordered, Total amount about 4750€. No work at the moment, I hope it picks up soon.
Well its late now and have to think what I`ll do tomorrow if I dont get a job, the possibilities are Oil painting, Garden work, or just do some work on my Lbs.
OK take care and HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Self employed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #19 am: März 28, 2007, 19:04:37 »
How are you all doing?
Let me tell you who rang me today, remember my friend with the modem problem, and dial?(back to nr.1)
Well he rang this morning, and did I get a shock, I said "Oh Shit" (can one use words like that in this forum, I better ask, or someone well be very quick in telling me not too) whats up now with his computer etc. I thought, Well I went out to see what the problem was, and would you believe it, we changed the clocks the other day an hour forwards, and this gave an error "meldung" (again I am losing it) on the computer and it wouldn't boot, Has any of you heard of that? Simple problem, simple solution, large effect. Some feed back on that one would be nice.
So that was the excitement in the middle of the week.
Maybe , until later
Bye and HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
« Letzte Änderung: März 28, 2007, 19:15:16 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #20 am: März 29, 2007, 13:40:38 »
Well I have been very busy this morning, Had to write to the German Embassy in Dublin, on behave of my Mother who is now in Renten Alter, then I had to ring up the Landesversicherungsanstalt, and see if I can get Forms from them.
Then was in contact with Alternate, who were unable to send me the computer Items I require, so I took my business somewhere else. (they don`t accept Credit cards form this Country, and if they did only to 1500€) So all I can say to them  is "Pity about you"!
Well of to lunch now, will fill you in on the news later.
Bye and like always HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #21 am: März 31, 2007, 00:36:04 »
Hi all
Just downloading mscan-03, looks good, sounds good and a lot of English in it, most work very well for me, if I have to test all the dell computers and English OS overhere.
Didnt have any work today, but I got a lot of work done on my Business Plan and my Financial Plan, had to do a couple of drafths on each frist, but its looking very good now.
Waiting on an E-mail form "komplett" about my order (Hardware and Software) verything runs a bit in slow motion here ( I thing I said that before) but they are better and more on the ball than "Alternate" who didn`t, or weren`t interested in earning around 5000€ form me. "Pity about them" I even wrote the Manager (Geschäfts Führer) a letter or E-mail and got no reply. I am sure if any of you were called for a job, you would jump to it, like I would, to earn some money.(whats the world coming to, have all these big firms to much of it (money), not to take an order like mine?
well who knows? its late and we can all sleep on it now.
Remember, HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #22 am: April 03, 2007, 20:36:48 »
Hi all
Just a short note today, its quite, very quite, I dont like it at all, but what can you do? The wether here is good and I am getting ready to pack for my visit to Germany for a couple of days.
Going on the 5th and back on the 7th with my daughter, and again on the 17th to the 19th, would have liked to get the Computer Markt on the 15th in Rheinhausen in, but I´ll miss it by two days.
Could have bought a few small items, maybe!(Ram, CPU, etc you all know what I am talking about.
(I hope)
So I´ll talk to you all soon again, take care and HAVE FUN

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Self employed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #23 am: April 07, 2007, 21:49:06 »
Hi again
Back from my shot trip to Germany to Collect by Daughter, and we will be spending the next few days here before She and I go back on the 17th.
Here the weather is great going to go up to 20 degrees next week.
No exciting news here at the moment, but when it comes in you`ll all be the first to know.
Bye for now, HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #24 am: April 20, 2007, 15:21:19 »
Hi all
Well, have been to germany and back in 3days, didnt have much time to do anything, but got to Media markt to buy a bit of sofware and a few cheap USB sticks.
Had an e-mail while I was gone, for a job which I did this morning(friday 20th) got some more work as well, to upgrade the persons computer, (more Ram, and a general service).
I have also ordered and recieved my goods form I am now waiting for my goods form dell. Total costs 5200 €, Thanks to my brother who was so nice to but up this capital for the start of my firm "I Am IT" (items include 22" monitor, grafic card 8800 GTX, laptop from dell, a good printer from canon Pixma 600R, etc.)
So, must setup my printer and get some software installed, talk to you all soon.
Have Fun

Sir Alan   
Sir Alan