Autor Thema: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit  (Gelesen 13342 mal)

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #25 am: April 24, 2007, 02:10:46 »
Well Hi all
got the last two items from dell this morning my monitor 22" and the laptop I ordered, there just amazing a core duo T7600 @2.33ghz and a geforce Go 7950 gtx. buts my computer in the shadows, has vista Pre as an OS so therefore limitations with installing software at the moment. But as we all know with the speed of computer Technology it wont take long and most if not all software will be compatible with vista.
Waiting over one month now for my homework to come back from Germany, I think the f-ing post as opened it again, its starting to f-k me up now.
Well I'll be off now its 1.07 in the morning and I have some work tomorrow.
So Bye for now and talk to you all soon,

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #26 am: April 24, 2007, 23:48:36 »
Hi  all
I am good at computer problems, but the  last two "Beiträge" are, sorry to much, Try it with writing GERMAN OR ENGLISH (and some Pic if you like) then I can understand it, If you have Qs please dont hesitat to ask, I am open for anything.(Alexander, is that some code?)
So to bussiness, Today was a good day had one job and earned 225€.
took about 4-6 hours but it was the kind of job that I would like every day, The full Service and Repair on a computer, from upgrades to Software installation etc. etc.. Maybe this is the start of better things to come.
Got My homework back at last, this morning, 1.3, mest up on Q9, 2 points out of 8, thats bad! LB 13 is in the post to Germany, I hope this one goes some what faster.
Well stuck for words now get back to you all soon,

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #27 am: April 26, 2007, 14:32:59 »
Hi all, how are you all today
Hi Alexander, is it chinese or japanese, or just symbols? just tell me one and Ill find out the rest.
Anyway, we have great weather here a big 18 degress and thats hot for Irish standards. Working at the moment had a computer that the time and date always messes up as it boots, have any of you got any suggestions how to repair that, I changed the battery, then cleared CMOS, and did, of course some updates (windows) but will only see the results after I boot it  about ten times?
Got a job in Dublin on the weekend, well got to pay back my deaths to my brother for setting up the cash for my startup (business) costs. (I owe hem my soul now) and I dont know whats worse him or the Devil.
Need to take a lunch break now form all this downloading of windows Security updates, there never seems to be an end to it all, and that at a rate of only 2mb/s (not like over there its a bit faster (6mb/s), but thats Ireland for you, layed back and well do it tommorow.
So enjoy the rest of the day and HAVE FUN
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #28 am: April 28, 2007, 19:19:14 »
Hi all
Having a good weekend in Dublin, with my brother, Climbed a mountin these morning, (small one) and then went swimming in the see, (was nice and cold) about 7 degrees.
Had some phone calls this weekend for work on monday and it looks good.(my earn some money to pay for my food and rent this week Ha Ha)
In my Brothers "computer Room" he has 2 laptops, his small and flat sony for work, and a large iMAC.
Nice place for people like us who like to be around computers.
So there is a nice BQQ  planed for the evening and some wine. Tomorrow its back to work doing jobs for him as I owe him my soul, but got at least 790 Euro worked off my death this weekend.
So talk to you all soon bye

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #29 am: Mai 01, 2007, 08:32:20 »

Hi Alexander, is it chinese or japanese, or just symbols? just tell me one and Ill find out the rest.

Hi Allan,

Its not chinese nor japanese nor sympols. That are good old questionmarks!
They are indicating many of us think about your blogging. What the hack are you talking about.
For once many of the users of this board don´t understand your English, and on the other hand this is a board discussing techincal problems. Your personal diary is not really of any interrest to us. It would be as well if you would send us these messages in a bottle.


Wilfried :-D

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #30 am: Mai 01, 2007, 17:01:20 »
Flaschenpost ist gut.  :-P
Wilfried, wäre allerdings besser gekommen, wenn du dem geneigten (nicht-englisch-sprechenden) Kollegen deine Ausführungen noch übersetzt hättest, weil man/ Frau jetzt genau so unwissend da steht wie vorher.

OK, schlagen wir mal bei Babelfish nach:

"Sein nicht chinesisches noch Japaner noch sympols. Das sind gute alte questionmarks! Sie zeigen an, daß viele von uns an Ihr Blogging denken. Was die Kerbe Sie sprechend sind. Für, sobald viele der Benutzer dieses Brettes nicht Ihr Englisch verstehen und andererseits ist dieses ein Brett, das techincal Probleme bespricht. Ihr persönliches Tagebuch ist nicht wirklich von irgendwie interrest zu uns. Es würde außerdem sein, wenn Sie uns diese Anzeigen in einer Flasche schicken würden."

Da kommt Freude auf, oder!?  :-D

Lasst halt dem irischen Kollegen seinen persönlichen Thread - wen's net interessiert, braucht das ja nicht anzuklicken. Solange er nicht zig verschiedene solcher "Blogs" verfasst...
Meine Meinung!

Wenn man die Natur einer Sache durchschaut hat, werden die Dinge berechenbar...

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #31 am: Mai 01, 2007, 18:12:00 »

Hi Alexander, is it chinese or japanese, or just symbols? just tell me one and Ill find out the rest.

Hi Allan,

Its not chinese nor japanese nor sympols. That are good old questionmarks!
They are indicating many of us think about your blogging. What the hack are you talking about.
For once many of the users of this board don´t understand your English, and on the other hand this is a board discussing techincal problems. Your personal diary is not really of any interrest to us. It would be as well if you would send us these messages in a bottle.


Wilfried :-D

Der Bereich ist für Artikel vorgesehen warum nicht auch für ein Blog ...  Für technische Dinge gibts ja ausreichend andere Bereiche.
Wer kein Englisch versteht sollte den Thread nicht öffnen und nicht hier hunderte Fragezeichen reinposten.
with best regards ....

Offline Ben

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #32 am: Mai 01, 2007, 21:13:02 »

also ich find das auch interessant,
und darüberhinaus eine gute Gelegenheit mal das
eingerostete Englisch zu aktivieren ...

Und wer´s nicht mag muss es ja nicht anklicken.

(Und wer weiß, vielleicht ist der Verfasser des besagten Postings ja
des chinesischen mächtig und hat Alan insgeheim gelobt ;-)

best regards,
have fun,
Gruß, Ben
« Letzte Änderung: Mai 01, 2007, 23:58:06 von Ben »
Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen.

Offline chevalier

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #33 am: Mai 02, 2007, 23:49:28 »
Hi again all
Sorry I havent Bloged for a few days as I was very busy earning some money this week, Let me put it this way I earned as much in the last two days as I would earn in Half a month in Germany.
But Getting back to other coments, First Thanks to all for the feed back, I was begining to think no one wants to talk to me, only Ben. As I said Before, please write German, so I dont get Rusty in it.
Getting on to the TECHNICAL side of things, work as a computer Technician here is just great, I am having so much fun as never before, I just love it.(and the pay is good too). I dont know if I should tell you this but its all $%&=?§"'*Ä! to the most of you anyway so I`ll tell!, I Serviced a labtop and installed Office 2007 and earned 300€ in one day. If this keeps up it will be just great. But life isnt all Technical problems("Other hand this is a board discussing techincal problems.") and one should stop and look around and see all the nice things in the world around us, and be thankfull for them, and the people we love, one gets old very fast and then its to late to do the things, with the people we love becauce we were always working or doing something else. So get out there and HAVE FUN,  talk to you all soon

Sir Alan  The Irishman
Gruß Ben and all the rest of you.
« Letzte Änderung: Mai 03, 2007, 00:30:58 von chevalier »
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #34 am: Mai 04, 2007, 09:08:29 »
Good Morning
Here the weather is just great, like I said, work is good this week and I hope it keeps up. Somemore work coming in today, (labtop service)
I was thinking, and your feed back would be nice, If I scan all the "Fernschule Weber " manuals and make a computer, or more an office version of it, Whould this be a good Idea? Or has some one done this already?
Well, must get on with work here , talk to all soon,

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #35 am: Mai 06, 2007, 14:08:44 »
Good afternoon
Well I am nearly finished with LB 14, just Q 15 and 16 to do and wait until 13 comes back from Germany and its away. Found it, and the one before quite hard. No exciting news here at the moment, but if anything turns up you`ll be the first to know.
until later

Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #36 am: Mai 08, 2007, 16:24:46 »
Hallo Alan,

  I was thinking, and your feed back would be nice, If I scan all the "Fernschule Weber "
  manuals and make a computer, or more an office version of it, Whould this be a good Idea?
  Or has some one done this already?

das fände ich sehr praktisch, so etwas zum Lernen zu benutzen.
Mit Volltextsuche und Kommentarfunktion . . . fein, am besten auf

Falls es sich mit den Copyrights vereinbaren lässt - ich glaube dass
das, was Du machen möchtest sehr viel Arbeit bedeutet.
Aber, wie gesagt, es ist recht effizient zum Lernen - das hätte ich auch

Im Copyright steht etwas von 'sonstiger Kopierung' (Ausg.2.2), und
dass Dein Vorhaben als rein privates Scannen der Daten darunterfällt,
nehme ich doch sehr an.
Falls rechtlich jedoch keine Probleme entstehen helfe ich gerne.

Ich habe gestöbert, das wurde hier alles schon mal thematisiert: (

Hab' gerade angefangen mit dem Kurs, kann also noch nicht viel sagen,
aber das Fehlen einer solchen Lernmöglichkeit empfinde ich(Lehrbrief 3)
schon als Mangel.

Grüsse aus Köln,


Offline Nagel79

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #37 am: Januar 31, 2008, 11:43:52 »
Naja gibt es hier auch was zum Thema Selbstständigkeit? Eröffnet doch ein neues Forum  :-D

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #38 am: März 09, 2008, 13:39:43 »

Das Thema " Selbständig " könnte ein sehr gefragtes Forum werden.

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #39 am: März 30, 2008, 13:44:10 »

ich hab mal eben ein wenig gestöbert...bin auf diesen, in fast nur englisch geschriebenen blog geraten....hab mich gefragt was dass denn soll...schreibt hier einer seine lebensgeschichte? ich dachte das hir ist ein forum und kein öffentliches tagebuch....da fand ich das mit der Flaschenpost schon ganz angebracht....wollte ich mal los werden.


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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #40 am: Januar 10, 2009, 01:13:35 »
Hi Iam Back
Listened 2 ur coments, might just start bloging again 2 upset those who have a problem with my english blog, oh sorry hi Ben, hope u are well and had a great christmas and "Gutem rutsch" in the new year. Anything new happening? Hi Stefan, Sorry, No I havent started that with the manuals etc scanning, but who knows some day it may come together.
Ja, and 2 u Nagel79, (Nail79) thats english if u dont like it, leave it, or dont read it ;)
Frankr60 did u start this name when u where 60?
Any new guys out there? which just started the course then from Me Best of luck and stay with it.
Ok until the next time, when the stories start,
GooG Nite and Gob Bless u all
Have fun
Sir Alan
Sir Alan

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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #41 am: Januar 10, 2009, 09:43:32 »
Hello chevalier,

to only the best of luck and health in the new year. I have no problems with your english. I find it interesting though times contributions in english, as is once again reminded of my english. Write often here in the forum.
Sorry for my englisch.
Many greetings to Ireland


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Re: Selfemployed/ Selbsständigkeit
« Antwort #42 am: Januar 11, 2009, 23:52:14 »
Hi all
Yes Happy new year 2 u 2 Jobrauni, and tnx 4 the posting. Ur English is fine, very good.
Well where will I start, Course is finished,opened my own company here in Ireland after giving up my job as Kitchen manager in germany and have never been happier.
Money is not great but its enough, 2 get what one wants.(Car, Holidays, Apparment, etc.) :-o
Have now, some days when there is no job do do some computing for my self.
I see when I look in Google Earth Germany is very cold, will be visting in 2 weeks time, here its frosty but the rain is back 2day.
Ok I wont bore u who read this, this time but be prepared the next time I hope will be better, Ha Ha lol
so Have fun
until the next one
Sir Alan